Friday 29 July 2011

Benefit of using a Electronic Medical Record

Clinics and other healthcare institutions are usually busy places with lots of paperwork. Storing all the necessary paperwork in an organized manner that is easily accessible is not an easy task. Some of the paperwork gets misplaced or lost. It might also take a lot of time and effort to access old files that might be needed urgently. Thanks to modern technology, all this hassle can be eliminated by using an electronic medical record system. This system will ensure efficient and smooth running of operations in any Clinic or health institution where it is used thus saving time and effort.

An electronic medical record will allow you to serve more patients easily and accurately. The service will also be faster because the records are easily accessible without having to open and look through many file cabinets. Storing information in a secure Electronic Medical Record minimises the chances of important data getting lost from patients' files. The files can be secured with password protection to limit access. You can also use encryption technology for better security of patient information. A good computer security system will also ensure backups elsewhere so that patients' records are not lost in case of emergency situations like fires that usually destroy file cabinets.

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